Come for some or come for all! Drums provided, drop ins welcome, schedule below. This is a group challenge, no individual will be expected to keep drumming for 8 hrs (though they may choose to, personally)
2-4pm - Core Group
4-8pm - Drop Ins Welcome
8-10pm - Core Group
Core participation = £20 entry. Commitment to a significant portion of time. Sponsorship participation.
Drop In participation = Donation asked, suggested £10 but no pressure applied! Come and drum, offer support, cheer on, enjoy!
We’re supporting International Animal Rescue (Link below for sponsorships) and in it for the rhythms, both!
The way we play as a group is based on establishing some simple foundations together and then letting the grooves emerge in a relaxed atmosphere. The more we play, the deeper and more dynamic the music. Facilitation will be as needed.